True Power

True Power

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Talented Miss Ray (my middle baby)

When my daughter was about five years old, she informed me that when she grew up, she wanted to sell lemonade for her career. Even though I was alarmed at her career of choice, I told her if that is what she wanted to do and be when she grew up, I would be proud of her.

As she grew she drew. If my house was to catch afire, her room would flame up the fastest because of all of the paper of drawings in her room. Her room is a fire hazard. But through her drawings you can see the growth of an artist. She has matured in her talent through the years without any formal training. And this fall when she heads off to college, majoring in art, the world will have another talent to acknowledge. I can't wait to see what she will create.

Here is some of her doodling. Major work is too large for uploading. Hopefully the public will soon see her work in galleries or wherever she chooses to work. Enjoy her wimsy.

What is it about drawing you like?
I like being able to imagine stuff and put it down on paper.

Do you think you can have a career in drawing?
Why not. It's not about money. It's about being creative.

What would you say is your style?
Animated with lots of color. I like creating characters in which a story can be written around.

Are youR characters day to day people?
They are based on fantasy with supernatural powers with love intersts. The world will never tire of a good love story.

What age group do you see drawn to your art?
It depends on the story line, but mostly young adults and teenagers.

Do you think your characters and art will change as you age?
Yes. As I learn more in college, I will incorporate what I learn in my art, but I want my work to remain fun and youthful.

What do you think about serious artists such as Pacaso, Monea etc.?
Why do you separate them as serious artists? All artists are serious. They have their own style and I have my own. I consider myself as a serious artist. I work hard on my work. I have THE same frustrations, self disappointments and struggles. All artists understand this creative process.

How do you feel about the starving artist phenomenon?
It's not fair. I'm not going to starve. People should love and appreciate artists before they die. I plan to have money. That's my dream.

Would you advise other artists to follow their dream?
Yes. Even though there may be rejection, you just have to keep at it. Doing what you love is important. That's the success; Being true to who you are. We need creativity and color to make life enjoyable. Artists add imagination to the routines of life.

Desarea Guyton, artist

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Not Enough Hours In A Day

Ever seem like you have so much to do until there are not enough hours in the day? Welcome to my month.

The month of May is starting off in high speed. I have two graduates this year and preparation for graduation day has begun. I will need two new outfits that make me look slimmer and shoes to match. I get to attend my first wedding where the groom is from India. I am looking forward to that. There are farewell dinners and award ceremonies to sit through and least we forget; my garden where weeds take every chance to get a drop on me and grow.

I am tired before I begin. Thoughts of dieting cross my mind but I need those extra calories to keep me going. I have recently made friends with McDonald's Mocha Frappe.

I have to say there is something exciting about the graduation season. People heading off to new beginnings just like my garden and its newness each year. I walk out each day witnessing the unexpected mingled with the expected. It is those surprises that make me smile.

Even though it is human nature to fear the unknown, it is sometimes the unknown that brings us the most joy.

I had, amonst all of the downpours, two new roses to bloom for the first time in my garden. No mater the picture on the label of the dormant bareroot plant, the actuall blooming of the rose bush is surprising and unique the first time you see the rose in bloom. Most of the time, the bloom is not what I was expecting. But as I gaze at it for the first time, it is beautiful just the way it is.

I hope all of those graduating, leaving what they know and have become accustomed to and comfortable with, face the newness of change in the same way with the same novelty. Your future may not be exactly what you expected or the picture people have painted for you, but after a long gaze I hope you find it beautiful because you are a part of it.

This Could Be Me At Your Next Event

This Could Be Me At Your Next Event
Author And Public Speaker


Do you have an upcoming gardening, church, or women's event planned and need a speaker? Contact me. I can speak on various topics such as:

1. Detangling Ancient Mythology From Christianity
2. The Female Presence In The History Of Christianity
3. Superstitions and Gardening In The 21st Century
4. The Politics Of Prayer: The Bible Speaks
5. African American Geneaology: Pride From The Grave

Contact me at for booking arrangements

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