1 Timothy 2:15 says "But women will be saved through childbearing if they continue in faith, love, and holiness with propriety." In chapter 9 in my book "When Will Eve Be Forgiven?" I had to address the question: How is the woman saved who is unable to have children? The answer is Orthodox and uplifting.
The sin of Eve eating from the Tree of Knowledge is brought up in the Bible and on several occasions a woman's value is directly correlated with her ability to have children. To be barren was seen as a curse. When Jacqueline Kennedy married into the Kennedy family she felt pressured to be fertile and produce a large number of children.
Psalm 127:3-5 tells us "Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate."
The pressing need to have many children should seem like a time long gone and far away, but this is not true.
Police: Afghan Mom Killed for Having Girl By AP / AMIR SHAH and HEIDI VOGT Monday, Jan. 30, 2012
(KABUL, Afghanistan) — An Afghan woman has been strangled death, apparently by her husband, who was upset that she gave birth to a second daughter rather than the son he had hoped for, police said Monday.
This brings me to the subject I began with; can you revel in your own glory without a husband or being a mother? I am not against marriage and family. I have just heard so many stories in quiet whispers from women and I just came to a point where I believed no one will burst into flames if they discuss the difficulties they face as a woman living a fulfilled Christian life. When there is opportunity to discuss troublesome feelings the less likely extremes will have an opportunity to take root in your heart and spirit.
I ran across a group which openly discuss their feelings belonging to a particular way of living out their religion. The point of the group for me was not condemnation of anyone, but understanding, compassion, and an opportunity for reflection. I hope you will take the time to stop by the facebook page or website to read some courageous stories of women who had to make life changes to live a life of glory.
Vyckie Garrison started No Longer Quivering to tell the story of her “escape” from the Quiverfull movement.The Quiverfull movement saddles women with a life of submission and near-constant pregnancies. One mother explains how she embraced the extreme Christian lifestyle -- and why she left.
Over time, NLQ has developed into a valuable resource of information regarding the deceptions and dangers of the Quiverfull philosophy and lifestyle. Several more former QF adherents are now contributing their stories to NLQ and our collective voice makes these Quiverfull warnings impossible to dismiss or ignore.
NLQ is a gathering place for women escaping and recovering from spiritual abuse.
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